Are you tired of worrying about where your next client is going to come from, and you’re so busy that you don’t even know where to begin when it comes to generating new leads online?

Your solution is simple: If more people can find you, especially when they are actively looking for you, you’ll get more clients and become less dependent on others to get more leads and sales.

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Search Engine Optimisation, also known as SEO, is the practice of increasing traffic to your website by making it easier for your ideal clients to find you. This is accomplished by understanding what they are searching for on search engines like Google and ensuring that you are visible to them when they are searching for you. It also involves demonstrating to search engines that your website is the most helpful and relevant to these search users to give search engines confidence that when they send users to your website the user is going to find what they are looking for.


Landscape design

Interior design

Why is SEO important for your business?

Did you know that 53% of consumers say they research before making purchases, and 96% of purchasing decisions start with a Google search? If your ideal clients cannot find you on search engines like Google, they won’t connect with you, meaning you’re missing out on valuable website traffic that could double your revenue through more leads and sales.

Google doesn’t just show any website to search users; it prioritises those that are informative, relevant, designed for users, authoritative, and trustworthy. When it comes to automating lead flow, search engine optimisation is unmatched for building long-term, valuable growth that can generate more leads and sales for your business for years to come. By partnering with Zali-Blk Media as your SEO specialist, you can be assured that your ideal clients will find you before they find your competitors.

Website Development

Don’t waste money getting traffic to your website, only to discourage on arrival

We've all been on websites where we lose interest or forget why we went there. At Zali-Blk Media, we use proven design principles and techniques to make sure your website is easy to use to boost conversions and help bring in more customers for your business.

Why choose us as your SEO Partner?

As a dedicated SEO provider, our strategies are tailored specifically for landscape and interior designers across Australia. Unlike other unspecialised agencies, we already know what your ideal clients are searching for in Google, we already know their pain points and their emotional landscape in order to gain their attention, so we can get you ranking as fast as possible without the need to waste your budget on assumption-based marketing.

What To Expect In Your Online Strategy Session?

After our initial discovery call, we will schedule you a free 60-minute online strategy session. By this time we would have already conducted a complete technical SEO audit for your business. During the session, you will learn why your business isn’t appearing at the top of Google search results for key terms and how our tailored SEO approach for landscape and interior designers can enhance your visibility to your ideal clients, generating more leads and sales for your business for many years to come.

Meet Dan

Dan De sousa | Zali-Blk Media | Lead Generation Specialist

I'm Dan, Founder of Zali-Blk Media. I'm an avid reader, self-diagnosed coffee dependent, and have unrestrained curiosity about the relationship between data, technology and consumer psychology. My passion for simplifying complex business problems through data analysis, cognitive frameworks, software and web development seamlessly led to a singular vocation, digital marketing.

Those who know me on a personal level can attest that once I set my mind to something, no matter how audacious it may seem, I am willing to throw my entire energy towards it until it comes to fruition. Because for me, what I find most rewarding is having the privilege of seeing good people experience positive change and begin to experience life in a whole new way.

Still unsure how we can help you generate more leads and sales?